I was reading the scriptures today and I just was filled with the spirit. I couldn't help but share some of the things running through my mind...
I was reading of Mormon and how he saw the degradation of his people. He looked on and lamented, "O ye fair ones, how could ye have departed from the ways of the Lord! O ye fair ones, how could ye have rejected that Jesus who stood with open arms to receive you!" (Mormon 6:17). When I think of the world in which we live and I as reminded of how Jesus wept when beholding the "workmanship of His own hands" in Moses 7. How often does God weep over us when he sees our actions? How often do we weep over our brethren? They are of as much worth to God as we are, should we not then extend our hands and hearts in their direction and act as God would have us act? This is true charity. This is Godly love.
As I have been pondering on my own life mission, I realize that so much is yet to be discovered. However, I have learned of some of the things which I must do. Those things I will share so that hopefully my words will be of worth to future generations to help cultivate faith in their hearts and give them courage to pursue their own missions.
Missionary work has been on my mind lately for obvious reasons. I have gained the knowledge and personal witness that my specific call is of God and that I was ordained to it from before the world was. As I was reading Moroni's address to the Lamanite descendants in Mormon 7 wherein he invites them to believe in Christ, accept His gospel, and gain testimonies of the Book of Mormon, I was particularly impressed by a prompting of the spirit that whispered to me that I would be an instrument to fulfill this prophesy in this day. I will be serving amongst the very Lamanite posterity in Nicaragua! How exciting that is!
For whoever reads this, I witness the reality of the truthfulness of the gospel and that Jesus is the Christ. I know he lives and that he will in one future day return to rule as King. I know that as we liken the scriptures unto ourselves God will show unto us all things we should do, including how we can fulfill our life missions! He has done that for me and He can do that for you! In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.